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In 2019 when the entire world was suffering from the Covid Pandemic then a special natural event had happened that grabbed the headlines. SolarΒ eclipseΒ 2019Β DecemberΒ India everybody had kept an eye on it curiously to know how theΒ Solar eclipse of December 26, 2019, is going to be magical. In India, people more believe in natural power and they worship the sun and moon as God so this Solar eclipse was the center of attraction for them.

The cosmic phenomenon often described as the “ring of fire,” was visible from India, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Oman, Malaysia, Borneo, and the Marina Islands.

Solar Eclipse 2019 December India as the Ring of Fire?

Once the Moon passes across the Sun as well as the Earth it casts its dark spot on the continent, creating a solar eclipse. The impending solar eclipse is a ‘concentric’ eclipse, as opposed to a full eclipse. It was very fascinating to the entire world.

Whereas the moon fully conceals the Sun in either, the moon obscures the Sun from both the core but allows the edges exposed in an oblate spheroid. As a result, a “ring of fire” is formed. This wayΒ Solar eclipse 2019 December IndiaΒ was served as the golden ring of fire for all Indians to watching it on news channels on television.

The States that saw Surya Grahan in December 2019 in India.

The eclipse arrived in India mostly from the west shore of South India, crossing the country in such an eastward trajectory.

As per NASA’s totality map from December 26, Coimbatore was the initial large city to witness the circular eclipse. The “ring of fire” was also seen in additional cities along the itinerary in Tamil Nadu Karnataka, and Kerala were the states to witness the solar eclipse orΒ Surya Grahan December 2019 in India.

The lunar eclipse occurred at 8:04 a.m., once the moon crossed the rim of the sun. The ringed phase began at 9:24 a.m., as well as the celestial event was visible on that day.

World Timing of Solar Eclipse 2019 December.

The complete eclipse began at 9:26 a.m. in India, while the moon drew closest to the sun’s equator. The entire eclipse finished at 9:27 a.m., while the partial solar aurora ended at 11:05 a.m. when the moon had vacated the Sun’s borders.

Event UTC Time Time in New Delhi
First location where the partial

Eclipse began

26 Dec, 02:29:53 26 Dec, 07:59:53
First location where the full eclipse began 26 Dec, 03:34:33 26 Dec, 09:04:33
Maximum eclipse 26 Dec, 05:17:46 26 Dec, 10:47:46
Last location where full eclipse was seen 26 Dec, 07:00:55 26 Dec, 12:30:55
Last location where the partial eclipse was seen 26 Dec, 08:05:40 26 Dec, 13:35:40


These regional durations do not correspond to a precise area but rather to the eclipse’s start, apex, and ending on a worldwide level with every bar relating to a separate place. Please keep in mind that the regional timings forΒ Solar eclipse India 2019Β in New Delhi were provided as a suggestion in case anyone wished to watch the eclipse live on the internet. They weren’t implying that the event would be seen locally.

The Solar Eclipse India 2019 at the Maximum point.

A graphic depicts just what the event seemed like towards its peak level. The earth’s magnetic field causes the Moon’s trajectory to curve. The moon is very far away above the earth at this season of the year. As a result, its overall size throughout the overhead is insufficient to entirely obscure the Sun at a maximum point.

So, rather than just a celestial event, a circular lunar storm or “ring of fire” occurs. In plenty of other places around, the globe such as the Mideast, the East Indies, north-western Australia, throughout southern but instead eastern Asia, theΒ solar eclipse 2019 DecemberΒ was seen as a partial eclipse.

You weren’t supposed to watch the celestial event with your unaided eye like you’re in an area of the continent in which you could watch it first-hand. Rather than regular spectacles or infrared filters, it was suggested that only telescope glasses be worn.

How One Could Watch the Solar Eclipse 2019 December.

Anyone could just step out or even stare up at the clouds if individuals had the safe eyewear, which they could view during the next part for additional information. Alternatively, if their community has such an atrium, people may inquire as to if they have scheduled the unique-looking event; as many observatories did.

The solar eclipse might also be viewed from the comfort of one’s own home. timeanddate.com’s YouTube feed typically broadcasts a webcast of the different stages of almost any event, whether celestial or volcanic.

The meteor shower was also live-streamed on Slooh, an open database that transmits pictures from observatories throughout the globe. On that day, people were watchingΒ Grahan in 2019 DecemberΒ using a broadcast of the celestial event on YouTube.

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